Press Releases

Tech Oversight Project Issues Statement on Murthy v. Missouri Decision, Affirming Federal Role to Notify of Foreign and Domestic Threats

Jun 26, 2024

Supreme Court ruled 6-3 on “jawboning” case which threatened to outlaw communication to platforms from the government

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, The Tech Oversight Project issued the following statement regarding the Murthy v. Missouri decision and the right-wing effort to block the government from communicating about domestic and foreign threats with the platforms.

“In Big Tech’s effort to inoculate itself from reasonable outside pressure or regulation, Google, Apple, Amazon, and Meta cynically bankrolled radical right-wing activists like the Federalist Society and the CATO Institute to do their dirty work,” said Sacha Haworth, Executive Director of The Tech Oversight Project. “This ruling correctly affirms the federal government’s right to notify the platforms about credible digital threats from foreign and domestic actors and puts the onus on tech companies to take those threats seriously.”

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