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Tech Oversight Project/PPP Poll: Voters in House Battlegrounds, Leadership Districts Want Congressional Action on Kids Online Safety, Support Passing KOSA

Jun 17, 2024

81% want President Biden and Congress to pass laws addressing social media’s harm to children and teens

78% support passing the bipartisan Kids Online Safety Act

View the poll here.


WASHINGTON, DC — Today, The Tech Oversight Project released a battleground survey conducted by Public Policy Polling showing that an overwhelming majority (78%) of Americans in key swing House districts support H.R. 7891, the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), and a majority (56%) would be more likely to vote for their Member of Congress because of support for the bipartisan online safety bill. The sample size was 602 voters across 22 toss-up races and WA-5 and NJ-6, districts held by House Energy and Commerce Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers and Ranking Member Frank Pallone, respectively.

“Over the past six months, companies like Meta, YouTube, TikTok, and Snap have been exposed for knowingly and recklessly endangering children and teens – all while posting record profits. We need to end the era of social media where our children are collateral damage, and undermining their health and well-being is part of the cost of doing business. Americans, of all political stripes and in the most swing districts across the country, agree that enough is enough, and they overwhelmingly support passing the bipartisan Kids Online Safety Act,” said Sacha Haworth, Executive Director of the Tech Oversight Project. “These results should eliminate any shadow of doubt that passing KOSA is not only the right thing to do, but it’s also a political winner for candidates facing re-election this November. Lives are on the line, which is why we are calling for a House committee markup and Senate floor vote as soon as possible to pass this bipartisan, consensus legislation and usher it into law.”

Key Results:

  • 81% of Americans think it is important for the President and Congress to address social media’s harmful impact on children and teens
  • 81% of respondents support government passing laws to put responsible safeguards in place to protect children and teens online.
  • 78% of Americans support the Kids Online Safety Act, and only 13% oppose the measure.
  • 56% of respondents would be more likely to vote for their Member of Congress next time if they supported the Kids Online Safety Act.
  • Only 8% of respondents said they would be less likely to vote for their Member of Congress based on their KOSA support. 
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