Press Releases
The Tech Oversight Project Issues Statement on Senate Judiciary Antitrust Subcommittee Hearing
WASHINGTON, DC – Today, The Tech Oversight Project issued a statement following the Senate Judiciary Antitrust Subcommittee hearing on reining in dominant tech platforms and restoring competition online. “It was clear from today’s hearing that Big Tech and their allies will once again tote the exact same sky-is-falling, strawman arguments – rolling out last year’s […]
Press Releases
FACT SHEET: Big Tech’s Sky-Is-Falling Act Continues as Senate Judiciary Recommits to Big Tech Antitrust Reform
WASHINGTON, DC – As the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Antitrust Subcommittee prepares to hold a hearing tomorrow afternoon, the Subcommittee will focus on on promoting competition online and reining in digital platform abuse while Big Tech’s paid spokespeople and front groups will resort to the same tired, sky-is-falling arguments built on lies (SPOILER: They’re already doing […]
Press Releases
🚨 ICYMI: VOX: TikTok isn’t really limiting kids’ time on its app
Yesterday, yet another Big Tech platform issued a press release to great fanfare, but once you peeled back a layer, reporters found that TikTok’s so-called “time limit” feature was another useless ploy to pay lip service to parents and evade oversight from lawmakers. “TikTok is just the latest in a long line of tech platforms […]
Press Releases
Tech Oversight Project Issues Statement on TikTok’s Latest Attempt to Deceive Parents, Endanger Children, and Mislead Lawmakers
Companies like Youtube, Instagram, and TikTok designed their products to profit off children who get addicted to their platform Read the latest Tech Oversight Project research report detailing how Google, Meta, and TikTok’s business models have harmed minors online WASHINGTON, DC – Today, The Tech Oversight Project issued a statement after news reports that TikTok […]
Press Releases
ICYMI: NYT: Combating Disinformation Wanes at Social Media Giants
“Big Tech platforms like Twitter, Youtube, and Facebook are using their dollars to show us their values. Under the guise of ‘economic hardship,’ tech giants are gutting their product safety staff because they deem them unnecessary,” said Kyle Morse, Deputy Executive Director of the Tech Oversight Project. “After promising lawmakers under oath they would work to […]
Press Releases
Tech Oversight Project Executive Director Sacha Haworth Defends Biden’s Pro-Competition Agenda and Makes the Case For Robust Tech Action, Antitrust Reform
Link to the full interview can be found here. WASHINGTON, DC – On Friday, Sacha Haworth, the Tech Oversight Project’s Executive Director, joined C-SPAN’s Washington Journal to talk up President Biden’s State of the Union Address, antitrust, data privacy, and children and teens’ safety online. Haworth joined an hour-long panel program opposite Carl Szabo, General Counsel […]
Press Releases
The Tech Oversight Project Issues Statement on Biden’s State of the Union Address
Watch Biden endorse bipartisan antitrust legislation like the American Innovation and Choice Online Act. WASHINGTON, DC – Today, The Tech Oversight Project issued the following statement regarding President Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address and open endorsement of bipartisan antitrust measures. During his speech, Biden called on Congress to “pass bipartisan legislation to strengthen antitrust […]